Contact Passonite About Diversity, LLC to discuss your specific needs and to receive a proposal and quote.
In order to convey new information to employees or provide refreshers on previously implemented concepts, workshops or training sessions are necessary.
Passionate About Diversity, LLC offers customized workshops to address your business needs. Sessions take the following formats
Lunch and Learn
Time Frame - Runs 45 minutes to 1 hour
Purpose – Great as an introduction to a new topic or high-level refresher
The Short Session
Time Frame – Runs 2-3 hours
Purpose – Great for refresher courses on established previously implemented concepts
The Half Day
Time Frame – Runs 4 – 5 hours
Purpose – Great for disseminating new information to a small group of employees. Typically used to introduce supervisors and management personnel to concepts they are expected to utilize in the workplace.
The Long Session
Time Frame – Runs 1 or more full (8 hour work days)
Purpose – Great for brainstorming and developing new strategies that will be incorporated with the overall business strategy. Typically used for executive and senior managers responsible for business operations.